So at least for a moment, Go!Go!Nihon has now everything they need from me. The documents where the name and personal number were highlighted were success and I managed to take scans from my old passport's pages where I had the tickets from my last visit (even the passport itself is invalid, the pages cut in half and so). So from that side everything looks great now and I hope there won't be any more problems.
I didn't receive an answer about the school fee for 9 months but when I googled by myself I found Yoshida Institutes own page where it was estimated. So now the school fee is also marked up to the monthly budget on the Project data -page. I'm still a little bit worried about the estimations, but at least we aim so much over that there has to be some moving space.
Kayna and Astria |
I'm seriously worried about the schedule to read the Minna no Nihongo -books. While working full-time there is really many days when I feel way too tired to grab the books and start to study after work or before the shift, but for past few days it has had to be done anyway, no mercy. The greatest feeling is when I really have started to notice that I recognize all the time more kanji-combinations easier and also reading has gotten better, even though I'm still kinda poor at it. Especially katakana has been a struggle for me since you don't face them that often.
And this I must share: I hobby horseback riding with Mikko and we were kinda down when we realized that we can't ride for about one year. I was curious how common is the horseback riding in Tokyos area because last them when we were in Kyoto we actually saw a stand with couple of young citizens trying to get new members for their riding club. Back then we didn't speak Japanese more than just the basic how-to-order-food-from-restaurant kind of things so even when we tried there was no hope getting a riding lesson back then. I was very shocked when during my googling I found out that there is a stable in Yoyogi Park! Like in the most center Tokyo of all places (and only few kilometers from our apartment-to-be). And they actually rent a horse for you for 45 minutes for individual riding. The cost is pretty luxurious (because usually training hour for our in expensive stables in Helsinki costs something like this), 8 000 yen converted to be right now approximately 58 euro. But I think we need to be this crazy and at least try once if it is possible in reality (you can never know if there is some other expences they just don't inform on that page).
Gion (Kyoto), 2012
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