Sunday, 3 August 2014

Book Delivery

Hi again,

Clock is ticking and cause of a morning shift I had to wake up at 5am this morning and now I'm super tired. So I'll just update you really quickly and continue tomorrow with better time (and with not so tired eyes ;) ). Go!Go!Nihon didn't answer to my questions about what I should do with the visa documents they had troubles with, so I decided to try this mad idea I suggested to them and circle up with red liner my name from every and each of the financial documents they asked us to send. Then I sent them again and added the questions about the school fee and the beginning date again, just to be sure to get the answer this time.

Well, this time I received the answer really fast, only in couple of days telling me that everything was good for now and the beginning date of the school is 5th of January 2015. I didn't get clear answer about the school fee so I have to continue whit that... So this "everything is good for now" period lasted only few days when I received a new e-mail with a new problem (seriously I don't get it why they can't list everything once). I had to update my passport and due to that I don't have any tags about my last visit to Japan in 2012 which usually you're supposed to add to the visa application so that they know (this is our civilized guess) that you haven't exceeded the maximum time of the tourist visa (3 months). So now I have replied that the passport is a new one and I'm not so excited to see if they are going to think is as a problem.

But that's all really minor when we compare that we finally got our Japanese books from Minna no Nihongo -serie (books 1 & 2 plus the translation and notes from both) from Japan finally and now we understood that there is basically only 4 months until the JLPT test (1st Sunday of December) what means only 4 months time to read all of these books and complete the kanji amount. So now all the thumbs up, because this timetable is going to get tight! Silver lining of this cloud is that at least the 10 first chapters from the Minna no Nihongo 1 should be just pushover since those are the basics of the basics and something we already know. But yey we actually got the books after almost 2 months waiting and they were actually cheaper than thought! Nights~

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