Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Fuurin and Toro Nagashi

This is mostly a photo post, I just want to share these few pictures about these small omatsuris, Japanese traditional celebrations, that I recently visited. The first one is Fuurin, in the other words, wind chime matsuri, that was held in Nishiarai Daishi temple (Buddhist). The last of the festival is actually almost three weeks, but we picted luckily a day when the yungster around the area were performing Taiko drumming while I shopped the wind chime I liked best.

The other matsuri was part of the Ueno parks summer matsuri (natsu matsuri), the evening when traditionally some paper lanterns were lit up in the pond in the park (toro nagashi). The luck was on side 50-50, becouse we didn't haven typhoon even it was promised by forecast, but in the other hand we had so strong wind, that most of the paper lanterns sunk before all them were fully lit. It was still pretty event. Now I look forward for Sumida rivers same kind of paper lantern matsuri in the end of August.

Fuurin Matsuri
Nishiarai Daishi Temple

Ueno Natsu Matsuri
Paper lanterns
(Toro Nagashi)


  1. Naw, ihania tuulikelloja! ^^ Millaisen ostit itsellesi? Ja kauniita lyhtyjä.<3
    Miksi muuten noilla soittajilla on 'korit' päässä?

    1. Sellasen missä on pupu, tietenkin ^^
      Ja koreja ollaan mekin mietitty, mut kukaan ei vielä ole osannut vastata. Pitäs varmaan ottaa google käyttöön ^^
