But it was the opposite of that. Yes, we were divided to be three classes like we guessed, the class size is now approximately 13 students for each intead the old 20, but they really split us. Not a single person who became better friends with anyone was maintained together. Me and Mikko too, were put on different classes. During the first day you were able to sence the tence feeling, everyone were little bit shocked I guess. I thought there was good and bad sides. Bad maybe that the bonding was already done, so it is kind of hard to form again "us" spirit for gymnastic events and so when you competite against your old class (also it seems that the B2 class I was in had more strong "we" spirit than any other class). But good side is that when the class size is muh smaller, there is more opportunities to speak out in the class and of course, get to know new people.
Yoshida institute as a building is very small and thus some of the classes are in a separate building behind the main building. I was first little bit sceptical since I never had been there in the river side class rooms. And it was also common knowledge that river side classes became more isolated, since those students never had enough time during breaks to come all the way up to the main building. So in this point it was even more clear that the old classes were broke down completely (only one class from three new C classes was on the river side). When I first stepped in the class room, the floor was full of fallen sakura flowers. It was much smaller than the class room we had before, but there was much more light. It is litterally right next to the Kanda river, really beautiful place. Even though yesterday was rainy, it was still warm enough to keep the door open during breaks. After school we all still met in school front, so now it just seems more like Finnish high school when you have different courses and meet up with your friends after school.
Otherwice studying in the C class seems much like B class. Some teachers have changed, but some of the old B class teachers are still teaching my C2 class. Then again Mikkos class don't have all the old ones mine class does. I'm kinda looking forward to see how different our classes are, since already after first day we receaved different homework even though we of course have completely same schedule, books and study program. ^^ New things in the schedule are speech contest in the end of the class, double emount of kanji tests and sports event in May. What I am not looking forward is to try to beat my B class score, but hey, everyone has to have goals!
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