Friday, 19 September 2014

100 Days!

Yeah, so today there is exactly 100 days until we will get to the airplane and fly to Japan. Our apartment is already strating look like someones moving because we started to pack books and such already. We know that expesially December will be very busy and probably we don't have even much time to do packing and that is crazy because we have to think so many things already now! For example our apartments contract is expiring 31th of December, but due the fact that we don't have much time to do moving and leave the key close the date we are flying, we already have to do it about two weeks earlier. It's all for work. The December will be always the busiest month from the whole year since we both have something to do with retail business (though my job situation is not much clearer than before, I should get the information during next week).

But since this is 100 days until Japan -post, I try to write more about Japan and japanese language ^^. I'm very close to finish off the Kanji Book 1 which includes 251 kanji and after that there is not that much to go to have the whole amount for JLPT4 (we don't have to discuss about the other goal okey, please...?). Minna no Nihongo is completely other thing. It's massive amount of info, but I think the harder part is the selective reading in the beginning. We have been using different book series for the beginner parts but we wanted to purchase the book 1 as well to make sure our knowledge maches the expected (in our school they have used Minna no Nihongo serie in beginners course). But it's really frustrating time by time because so much you already know, but there is always something new in every chapter (or then the new thing is only disagreeing with the earlier info).

This is maybe the first time I have actually been worried that our level is not enough for the intermediate program. There was no sense to applicate for beginner program and our contact from Go!Go!Nihon thought this is the best program for us, but yeah, I still wonder. The others have been in Japan for 9 months already, talking and using japanese. And then we come with our knowledge made up from the tv series we hear and grammar books we read. It's not very comparable. I don't mind working my ass off to get the situation balanced but I for sure am worried that what if that is not even possible. I guess if we are too much behind we will just drop to the beginner (damn I hope not).

But here is something usefull for instance. Our real "savings versus how much we think we're going to spend in Japan during 9 months" -plan. So this is actually the estimation how much we will have saved in total in January, but since it's such a short time, it's going to be pretty correct.
I have to point out that all the amounts are just estimations and tried to be estimated too high (only rent is basically precise)!

Savings minus
- Public transportation for 9 months // 900 euro
- Phone and internet bills for 9 months // 900 euro
- Rent for 9 months from one person // 2700 euro
- Food for 9 months from one person // 1800 euro
- School for 9 months from one person (all costs + insurance, exaggerated) // 5 000 euro
-> Free money for entertainment for each month: approximately 320 euro

ps. I finally got a new computer and blogging is actually enjoyable again ^^
pps. This post has been changed (+ pictures added later 18th since the blogger for some reason didn't publish the last version about it...

Helsinki 2013
Linnanmäki (amusement park) 2013

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